Tuesday, December 28, 2010

freaking creepy

Monday, December 27, 2010

Japan, 1942.

vintage-y hair for the Christmas Eve service. wore my kimono dress and black sweater tights. Excuse the mess behind me, my family uses my room as storage while I'm away at college.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ion Square

I realize this song has been out for a while now..but I've been listening to it (and the most recent bloc party album) a lot. I got the album a while ago, but it never gets old. This is one of the most beautifully written songs I've ever heard.

Friday, December 24, 2010

what the whaaaa?

it is very rare that I see my name spelled correctly. The boots are cute too.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lust for Life

I love Olivia Lo because she is the same height as me, making it very useful to judge what would look good on me as well. I also love her online shop because we're the same size. Plus, she is a mix..which by now you should know I love/am fascinated by.


half Korean and half black makes some of my favorite music. I'm so excited for the new album.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

haha, I actually think I prefer jeans though.


interesting things I've learned today:

1. Adriana Lima is part Japanese among other things like Native American, Swiss and African. Apparently Brazil has a large Japanese community.

2. My credit card bill is over-do. greeeeat. they keep calling my house and my mom thinks it's for her card, which is fine. So she thinks it's a mistake. I'm not going to tell her it's for me..I still have time to make little payments. :P

3. If your envelope is little enough the mail won't stamp over your stamp and you can reuse it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I wish that I could live here


Friday, December 17, 2010


yeah, cute, but I really want the white wedges in the beginning.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

ooo oooo

also, I cannot stop listening to Bombay by El Guincho. Do I understand what is being said? no. But it makes me want to dance.



most of the jewelry here is a little pricey, but these aren't too bad, and they are beautiful.

$32 each.



via http://shop.mixologynyc.com/

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


so I realize my last post also had black pumps..but these are just so lovely and have gotten such great reviews. plus, super weird price difference over at ASOS (the more expensive price). I'm not sure if it's because they are over in Britain or what..but they both say they are made from the same material.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

pa pa power

just amazing. perfectly spooky and lovely at the same time. If you haven't seen the video they did with the talent competition, you can find it on their website :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

best brain EVER


This was one of the saddest documentaries I've ever seen.

twin shadow

I've been listening to Twin Shadow for a few months now, but don't think I've expressed my love for his music properly. Enjoy :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


wonder woman was never my favorite comic book character..but I'm not denying this would be way awesome to have:

the cat woman (favorite) ring is cool..but definitely not an everyday piece.

via nOir Jewelry


grandparents getting facebook is probably the worst thing ever...and I'm not even a party girl. I just know it's the worst thing EVER.

Monday, December 6, 2010


From: Anthony:)

Just wanted to say I love you!

Dec6,9:59 pm

From: Anthony:)

We always say goodnight and I didn't want to break that habit at all.


Dec6,10:00 pm

my boyfriend is cute :) I really wanted to write this down.


One of pitchfork's favorite videos of 2010. how did I miss seeing this?

Sunday, December 5, 2010


one thing i enjoy about the cold weather is that i can do anything with my hair and it won't flatten out or do something that I don't like.

ta daaa

just realized i'm wearing my yellow cardigan again. haha. this time I'm wearing it over a black american apparel tshirt dress and black sweater tights. probably wearing my litas for shoes.


I love Bang Bang from The Brother's Bloom, I watched it tonight and honestly couldn't get over how awesome her clothes are. I was upset that I couldn't find more. I was a little confused as to what the time period in the movie was because every one seemed to wear classy 60'-70's esque fashion but there were modern cars and graffiti. I enjoyed the movie, although you definitely need to pay attention to the plot.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I want a shiny stick!


super awesome height enhancing heels and some practical ones for interning things :) i would not where any of these dresses interning, but i would probably wear them everywhere else. My favorite dress is the last one.
Also, I think it's funny that none of the models are photographed from the side in the body con dresses. If they are, their arms are strategically placed.

Dresses are Motel and Shoes are Steve Madden
