Monday, January 3, 2011


I know, I know, I'm terrible at documenting my life..if I had an actual camera it would probably be easier.

boyfriend got me this beautiful little gold dragonfly necklace with little baby diamonds. I've been wearing it everyday, even when I go to sleep. It sounds corny, but now I feel like I have a little piece of him everywhere I go (ahhh!! corny!! I'll stop!-but true). Why a dragonfly you ask? My boyfriend has a rather large dragonfly tattoo on the side of his torso. It has a special symbolic meaning to him, but for me dragonflies always remind me of him.

got my shoes :) Solestruck had them on sale for $120 and then was having a 50% of sale for sale items. So, dad did get them for $60. Love expanding my Jeffrey Campbell collection.

Mom surprised me and got me this little cupcake maker. It makes mini cupcakes in 5 minutes. I can also make pies, cheescakes, quiches, etc. so cute

Among other things I got the purse I wanted in black on sale for $130. The leather is beautiful and it provides the perfect amount of space. Pictures soon. I also got a silk Chinese dress from China town in California, a lot of scarves, starbucks cards, forever 21 cards, money etc.. good Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU GOT J.C.'S FOR SO CHEAP! Amazing lady. Hope to see more of them!

