Monday, May 30, 2011


As far as makeup goes, there is nothing I love more than a good cat eye and red lips. It's usually the quintessential look I turn to day to day. Sometimes I'll do one without the other, but I like to think of it as my go-to look. I have very almond shaped eyes, so drawing out that little line in the corner really defines their shape and makes them appear a little larger. The reason I like red is because my lips are one of my favorite things about my face, so sometimes I just like to bring them out a little more. The cat eye and red lip together just seems so classy to me. Sometimes 50's or 60's starlet, sometimes geisha-esque, I just love the combination.

Keiko Lynn does a wonderful tutorial.

The link is also to the right :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

employed but not discouraged.

so, kind of good news. I am no longer "wallowing in boredom"! I am now a barista in training at the Barnie's on Park Ave. Probably the more laid-back location. However, hopefully only because they are understaffed they are giving me around 30 hours a week although I asked for 15-20, since I really don't need that much extra. I typically treat jobs as high school boyfriends. I am very quickly sick of them. They're so clingy and want all of my time and attention. I have other things to do, okay job??! Tomorrow will conclude my last day of my first week. They have me scheduled a 4-c (9 on fridays). Not a big deal. However, next Monday I am going to be working a 630-4. What? 10 hours? yes. 10. I feel that is not possible. It's things like this that will make me miss being a "stay at home girlfriend that lives by herself while her bf and every other person works". I guess it's better than doing nothing. Plus, I am treating myself to whatever I want. Namely, shoes. Probably these shoes.

I don't feel bad about the price since I haven't bought anything in months. more than 3. birthday gifts don't count.

I mean it's not like I have anything else to do that monday anyway. So, for now, fine. If I'm going to sell my time to work they might as well give me shoes in return.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have been watching a copious amount of space documentaries this summer because frankly, I have nothing else to do. Job hunting has been unsuccessful and unfortunately I do not even have someone to wallow in boredness with. So, for now, space it is. I think this movie looks so beautiful while being slightly sickening at the same time. Also, I've been seeing Kirsten Dunst everywhere. Hopefully this won't be one of those movies that only play at very select theaters in mega big cities :)

Melancholia from Zentropa on Vimeo.

Oh, and click on the title to visit the website :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
