Thursday, May 26, 2011

employed but not discouraged.

so, kind of good news. I am no longer "wallowing in boredom"! I am now a barista in training at the Barnie's on Park Ave. Probably the more laid-back location. However, hopefully only because they are understaffed they are giving me around 30 hours a week although I asked for 15-20, since I really don't need that much extra. I typically treat jobs as high school boyfriends. I am very quickly sick of them. They're so clingy and want all of my time and attention. I have other things to do, okay job??! Tomorrow will conclude my last day of my first week. They have me scheduled a 4-c (9 on fridays). Not a big deal. However, next Monday I am going to be working a 630-4. What? 10 hours? yes. 10. I feel that is not possible. It's things like this that will make me miss being a "stay at home girlfriend that lives by herself while her bf and every other person works". I guess it's better than doing nothing. Plus, I am treating myself to whatever I want. Namely, shoes. Probably these shoes.

I don't feel bad about the price since I haven't bought anything in months. more than 3. birthday gifts don't count.

I mean it's not like I have anything else to do that monday anyway. So, for now, fine. If I'm going to sell my time to work they might as well give me shoes in return.

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