Sunday, November 13, 2011

neutrals and pastels

got the idea from: Refinery29

essie's case study and a sally hansen black nail art pen (not sure how I feel about it yet. The paint is not nail polish and honestly jut reminds me of glossy acrylic paint)

This weekend was so nice. For starters, I quit my job this past week so I have been re-cooperating from stress and actually doing things that I want to do. Friday was so nice since I didn't have class and I spent the whole day with my boyfriend. We just spent the day outside and he took me to dinner later where I got a well-deserved portion of sweet potato fries. Saturday I spent the morning at the gym and then spent some time with one of my best friends and her boyfriend that were in town. And, obviously, I am staying up late which has become so foreign this semester.

finished painting: (excuse the shadow!)

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