Sunday, February 7, 2010


I think it's safe to say that I go through cycles of sadness random times out of a month or every other month. It's strange, because sometimes I don't even know what sets it off. They just come. Preferably, I would not like this to happen. However, I do think sadness is the most beautiful emotion. I think people are more in-tune with themselves when they are sad. Sadness also happens to be the only emotion I can really actually create in. I don't need to wait for an inspiration when I am sad. Words just seem to come and flow throughout my conscious. Am I sad right now as I right this? No. But I have been exploring and looking into my insecurities lately and part of the insecurities are responsible for my cycles of melancholy. It's just something I'm trying to figure out. What causes what in my life and why. I ended up writing this a few months ago in one of my cycles. This is not about me. This is supposed to be an abstract view of the world and the collection of people's lost hope within it. I try to keep my stuff as emo free as possible. But I ended up liking some of the imagery and metaphors. I'm a sucker for metaphors.

The World's Dialogue

I am a tigress
I hunt and kill
and make a big mess
all orange and black
inducer of heart attacks

I am going out of style
torn up leather
broken zipper
make room for the fresh
and the hipper

I am a home-wrecker
I'll take what is yours
and make it mine
then I'll chew it up
spit it out
and say goodbye

I am last night's car crash
huge metal monster
burning up rubber and skin
letting the blood run thin

I am pathetic
spilling myself out on the floor
retching when I close the door
all tiny and weak
I am broken
I am bleak

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