Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3/4 red

Today I went to the beach and watched airplanes paint the sky the color of their fumes. I wonder if the clouds like the pseudo-clouds taking up their home? Anyway, no pictures, sorry. It was a quick trip with friends and we were sleepy. I did get to wear my new high-wasted bathing suit bottoms. I also ended up slipping into a nice hue of red at the end of the trip. So, 3/4 of my stomach will be a nice, tanned color by tomorrow, and the other 1/4 will be the original pale. Didn't really think about that before. But, it was very worth it, there were no crowds. I also found some pretty teacups at a thrift store. I'll put pictures of those up another time.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I saw my idol of all things cool last night. very surreal, very much wish i had a better camera. There is nothing really else that I can say besides, "Dear God, please let me be remotely related to her somehow". This morning I feel that wish was slightly answered. Her middle name is Nicole and she was born on the 23rd of November. We both share a name and both share the same number for our birthday. I feel God answered a little wish for dumb as that sounds. I know it does. She's 31. I have 11 years to get possibly get up to half her level. I wish smoking was actually healthy for you, because I would definitely do it. I'd even be fine with candy cigarettes. Also, she makes me want to dye my hair black. Logically, do I have the time and money to get my roots dyed every few weeks? No. Not at all. So, I'm going to try and compromise and get black undertones. Oh, and most importantly, I need to own a leopard silk shirt. I'm going to keep my eyes open these next few thrifting trips.

Monday, April 26, 2010

negative notions

I feel like recently it's been much easier to hate than it has been to love. It's such an amazement that other people can make a person either happy or miserable. Some people are so dependent on others to be a positive force in their life, while other people give off such negative energy that it's actually psychologically damaging to one's life. I, unfortunately, feel like I've been floating through so much negativity lately that it's making it very easy to be mean, and very hard to be understanding. I'm going to start taking this experience with someone that is so opposite from me and try to learn from it. Then, in a few months hopefully will never see that person again. I have so many people that make my life better, and I don't want to become someone who lets their anger with others seep into relationships with the people that matter.

Friday, April 23, 2010

things that make me smile this day.

1. I am 20 years old now


3. japanese, italian, german mixes. like me but without the irish/slovak flavor. (Natascha Stolle-designer;top), (Rachael Yamagata-songstress;bottom)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

thoughts on a quiet life

I want a simple, quiet life.

I want a house with mismatched teacups in the cupboards
and apple trees and plum trees in the yard.

I want slow mornings and steady afternoons.
at nighttime i would like to know every person in my life wishes me the best,
and i would like to wish them the best too.

I want to live in love everyday.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today I checked out this thrift store that I've been hearing about for a while. It's in De land, so it was a good 50 minute drive. but it was SO WORTH IT. The place is huge, has everything from records to housewares, and has so many random vintage things like 50's style suitcases and typewriters. I picked a good amount of house things up and snagged a beautiful pair of blue suede pumps and a classic brown leather purse. I couldn't get a good picture of the purse because it's off of my phone (saving my film!!). I wear it across the shoulder though. It is also very roomy. I also got a picture frame and this cute little framed cross stitch.

Monday, April 19, 2010

mon cœur




I feel blood rush through all my veins and shivers go up my spine whenever the Lord holds me close and tells me I am His.
I feel my heart rate rise and feel a light burning and shivering up and down the whole of my body. I notice little things like a wasp flying through one of the openings of a metal fence or a drop of blood leaving a cut and realize just how much else "world" there is around me. I live in a beautifully orchestrated conglomeration of many miscellaneous things that somehow fit together perfectly. All harmonious unison.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I need to learn when to hold my tongue.


today I went here:


Friday, April 16, 2010

time travel

some days I miss being a little kid.


"Grow a wise heart-you'll do yourself a favor;
keep a clear head-you'll find a good life."
-Proverbs 19:8

I am finding a true friend in the Word this morning.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

tree friend

The tree outside likes to tap on my window to get my attention

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Christmas gift

My friend Jamie recently came into town and I was able to open my Christmas gift that was way past due (mostly my fault for failing to pick it up). I opened up this little beauty. It was meant to be a belt, but turns out it can be a necklace as well.

I would like this to be real



"You learn how to fight, one way or another. Or you disappear. I know how to fight, but I like to disappear."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Love is in the air

Love is in the air
Pollen in the wind charms its way to the stigmas
Flows to the center, creates new floras.

Love is in the air
Clouds of mini-parachutists seek safe landings
Implant, burrow, and sprout up from seedlings.

Monday, April 5, 2010

new stuff +old stuff

Recently, I decided to keep an eye out for old teapots. I saw this cute idea online to use them as flower pots and just couldn't get the idea of having something that cute out of my head. This weekend I went home to celebrate Easter and luckily, my mom had an antique silver tea set lying around. So, I ended up with two teapots and a little silver creamer that I now use as an earring holder. I also unearthed this little pink silk scarf in my room and decided to give it another try.

also, I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend.

Friday, April 2, 2010


spamming my blog with cute. I saw this little guy (or girl) on a recent outing with my good friend, Tammie. The funny thing is, after I left and was in my car I got stuck behind this large can with corgi stickers and "I love corgis" all over her van. Also, she had a Corgi license plate (spelled Korgi)
