Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I saw my idol of all things cool last night. very surreal, very much wish i had a better camera. There is nothing really else that I can say besides, "Dear God, please let me be remotely related to her somehow". This morning I feel that wish was slightly answered. Her middle name is Nicole and she was born on the 23rd of November. We both share a name and both share the same number for our birthday. I feel God answered a little wish for me..as dumb as that sounds. I know it does. She's 31. I have 11 years to get possibly get up to half her level. I wish smoking was actually healthy for you, because I would definitely do it. I'd even be fine with candy cigarettes. Also, she makes me want to dye my hair black. Logically, do I have the time and money to get my roots dyed every few weeks? No. Not at all. So, I'm going to try and compromise and get black undertones. Oh, and most importantly, I need to own a leopard silk shirt. I'm going to keep my eyes open these next few thrifting trips.

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