Friday, June 11, 2010

firefly evening

I like watching fireflies flash me their SOS signals. Tonight the small patch of trees across from my house was glittering from the leaves to the soil. Some fireflies actually managed to come into my yard. You see a light in one spot, then a second later you see the light in another spot. It's almost like they're teleporting from one spot to the other. There is a fairly busy road through the trees and on the other side of my neighborhood's fence. The volume of trees is sparse enough that you can see the headlights of cars go by. Sometimes I wonder if the fireflies see the headlights and try to get to them. If I was a firefly I would probably think that the headlights were a giant and wondrous representation of my species. I imagine it's a little confusing. It's moments like this that I thank God for the surprise gift. A moment that in all honesty, I cannot truly explain the beauty and serenity of. I simply take it in and enjoy it. I always love surprise gifts.

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