Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm still wise, right?

So, today marks the day after my wisdom teeth have been taken from my gums. I'm feeling pretty good, surprisingly I'm not very swollen at all. The back of mouth where the teeth were taken have that annoying itchy feeling to them. The feeling that you just want to chew to make the itchiness go away. My mom said it's the stitches, which are thick and dark colored. You can't really notice them unless you look deep into my mouth, which I can't open my mouth very wide right now because I am sore. Before my surgery I had to take a Valium..which, I probably should have taken only half of the centimeter wide pill because I was falling all over the place. I started thinking about foxes, which is random as heck. In the car on the way there I don't even remember most of what I said. My mom had to walk me to the office, then I plopped down in a chair. I was then called into the room and seated on the surgical chair. The lady about to take the IV could tell I was taking the Valium pretty hard. In all seriousness, it was kind of fun. Your mind just drifts about and everything feels like a dream. I still managed to ask if my birth control pills were still alright to take (funny, how even under heavy medication I remember the things I am worried about). She said it was fine since I just take mine for hormones. Then another lady came in and said, "this will smell like peaches" and she placed a mask over my nose. It did smell like peaches, which I love peaches, so it was nice. Then, obviously, I fell asleep. I never saw Dr. Peak come in..and I didn't see him when I woke up either. The first thing I asked when I woke up was, "where are my teeth?" You see, wisdom teeth are very interesting. They are large and have wavy, curvy looking roots. I kind of wanted to see them, but they were thrown away. Then I was put into a wheelchair and wheeled out to the car. I don't remember how I got out of the wheelchair. But, I do remember talking to my dad and him laughing at how I was talking. I also remember texting my boyfriend simply saying, "done." Then, the rest of the ride home was me drifting in and out of sleep. Luckily, the anesthesia did not make my nauseous. I woke on my living room coach with gauze shoved in my mouth. I could not feel my tongue and my lip felt huge. I woke to one of my best friends coming over. We exchanged Christmas gifts and she got to hear me talk like a mute person. But hey, it really brightened my day. She got me this adorable bag, which I cannot wait to use. Then after she left I started feeling better. My mom fed my some yogurt (very very difficult at the time as I had no feeling) then I took my oxycodone. A little after that I fell asleep. Then, I went on facebook and talked to Courtney and my friend Jean. It was very nice to know so many people care about me. Things got a little bad after that though, I started feeling really nauseous. I would run to the bathroom and take the gauze out, and then it would stop. This went on about 3 times. Finally, my little brother brought a trash bin and set it by me on the couch. About 20 minutes later everything i ate came out. It was bad, and disgusting. Then I felt that wonderful feeling you feel when all the nausea goes away. Great. I iced my face on and off then ate and applesauce (pomegranate) and got ready for bed. I called my boyfriend, and he didn't have the time to talk to me so I laid myself down and read. I finished my book, which was wonderful, because I have not finished a recreational book in months. Then I started to drift off. Anthony, my boyfriend texted me, which made me feel better. Then I fell asleep. I woke up around 3 in the morning to find out I was wide awake. Annoyed I went on facebook, and talked to my friend Matt. Then I felt nauseous again and threw up blood and a little bit of the applesauce. Really, I am sorry if this is gross, but I am completely desensitized by this. I just see it as biology. I was able to go to sleep after that but woke up again at 7. I was starving. So I had some cranberry raspberry yogurt and rice pudding. Then, nobody was awake, so I started watching Donnie Darko. I ended up falling asleep again and still need to finish the movie. But, when i got up the second time (around 10) I was able to eat a little bit of egg whites and some d-lites eggnog ice cream (low cal and natural, yum!) I put a hot pack on my face on and off and dozed off a little. Then, the doorbell rang and i got a surprise. My step dad ordered me beautiful yellow flowers with a smiley face balloon and mug. The are full of lilies (my favorite), carnations, and other yellow flowers. it was a nice surprise. Now, I think I'm off to eat a little something and finish watching my movie.

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