Monday, December 7, 2009

Karin Dreijer scares me.

Karin Dreijer is by far one of the most interesting musicians out there. She makes up one half of the indie electro band, The Knife, worked with Norwegian band Royksopp, and has her own solo project, Fever Ray. She specializes in morphing herself into mysterious and spooky characters. Sometimes the characters are threatening, sometimes they're just weird. But they always play perfectly into the environment she creates. She completely warps her voice into different ghostly sounds so that each song sounds like a different person with a different story. Fever Ray is slightly more scary then Karin and her brother's band, The Knife. The Knife is infectiously danceable. If vampires were to have a party, I can see The Knife's music being on heavy rotation. Fever Ray's music varies from the unsettling to do not listen to if you are alone. The song character in the song, "Concrete Walls" lingers on about how it lives in concrete walls and how a little girl is so warm. Her lyrics always have a deeper meaning though, as do all of Karin's projects. Keep the Streets Empty for Me, When I Grow Up, and Triangle Walks all seem to relate to the darker side of life. The disappointment and the uneasiness. Dry and Dusty is actually quite a nice love themed song. Karin always picks a topic that means something. Rarely will she ever write something trivial. The Knife is the only band I know that can write songs about domestic violence and anorexia and make it danceable. Her videos are all brilliant. They all play perfectly into her theme of the song. Recently, the video for "Keep the Streets Empty for Me" was released. It features a little girl in an apocalyptic city. It feels lonely, and it feels hopeful. It feels like everything Fever Ray emits.

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