Thursday, December 31, 2009

I am miserable.

It is 4 in the morning, and I cannot sleep. It's these stupid effing stitches that have been sewn into my mouth. The right inside of my cheek feels like someone stuck a blunt toothpick in it. I heard they are supposed to dissolve the 3-4th day. I've seen none of this so far. I just feel a slight throbbing, enough to disturb my sleep and make me wish I would have procrastinated until spring break to do this. I hate it. To top things off, I feel gross and puffy. I've lost about 8 pounds, but I feel fat. Nothing about this is enjoyable. I'm even getting sick of yogurt. I really just want my post-op appointment to come so these stitches can go away. I can see them. The one on the right is on my cheek. Is that normal?? I just wish someone would knock me out until I'm healed. Nothing enjoyable has happened to me. No New Years Eve with my boyfriend, no freaking stitches pain lessening, no going outside the house. I hate my life right now. It hurts to cry, yawn, open my mouth, close my mouth, and laugh. So, basically everything. Why the pain meds decide to wear off in the early morning I have no idea. Eff them. I woke up around 330, went into the kitchen to get water, almost woke the dog, then ended up having to go rinse with salt water. The salt water swishing has been soothing so far, but it did not seem to help with this. The pain is literally coming from my cheek. I want to sleep so bad. Tomorrow will be the first time I'll be out of the house since Monday. My friend Jessica is having a mini New Year's eve party. Just simple hanging out and a movie or 2. I just want to go somewhere. I am lucky to have friends that think of such brilliant things. I don't know when I'll be going back to Orlando, right now I just want it to be the 5th so the stitches can be gone. Just 6 more days. That seems like forever now that I am typing it out, that is almost a week. Ok, Orlando, see you in a week or so.

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