Monday, May 31, 2010


I want to be married to the skyline
lit up grey and blue
smoldering under carbon dioxide.

I want to be wedded to the starlight
burning lonely and bright in the dark sky
shining with the moon's light

I want to be lover to the morning time
rising lazy and sleepy-eyed, greeting the horizon
gold in the sunlight

things I love

This boy and puppies. Together, it's even better.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh, hiii

This gets gross. And, side note, I wonder what these elderly people are like as grandparents if they wanted to be in an MGMT video?

I really like this

Parallelostory from impactist on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


some things I've noticed this week:

1. a whole herd of cows huddled in the shadow of one tree.
2. a dragonfly stuck in my wind shield wipers (I tried to save it, but turning the wipers on did nothing)
3. my dog dreaming
4. how pleasant and energizing it is to be downtown at night with a friend.
5. how scary the Plaza Theater's stairwell is.
6. I hate seeing homeless people with no shoes.
7. I make the Walgreen's cosmetics lady back home really happy when I come and talk with her.
8. One big, bright star in the whole sky.
9. baby deer driving back to my apartment.
10. 5 minutes of rain.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

and i want these so bad.

Gemma Arterton - Transformers 3 - Megan Fox -

Gemma Arterton - Transformers 3 - Megan Fox -

mosquitos are my dracula

yes, I would like to know why mosquitos love me so much. I was outside at my friend's party the other day and decided to wear my black suede UO pumps with jeans. I had a cardigan, so the only thing that was exposed were my feet (and a small section of arms..which I'm surprised were not attacked). I counted today, because waking up a few times in the night to apply Cortizone makes me mad. 9 are on my right foot, and 5 are on my left foot. I'm not putting pictures, because, well, they're gross. My feet were pretty swollen the first day, so swollen you couldn't really see individual bites.

Friday, May 21, 2010


please adopt me. I think you're so cool and classy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

sweet city

Dessert lady with my lovely friend, Acsa.

Neapolitan cake. Chocolate cake sandwiched in between vanilla bean mouse and raspberry mouse. Served with raspberry and chocolate sauces. Delicious.

View from Lake Eola. I will live by this one day.

just your average night of ignoring drunk men, getting blisters, and admiring the art that we live in. Oh yeah, and talking about boys.

Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


If I can't live in a treehouse, I would like to live in one of these rooms:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

lock me in a box. I'll just stay there until you remember.
Beach day at Honeymoon Island for Courtney's 20th birthday.


I don't know what I'm going to do about summer, but I do know that I am not happy in my apartment. Which, unfortunately, happens to be in the town that I am happiest in. I talked to my other roommate today, and she hates it here too. That makes me feel better that I know I'm definitely not the one with the problem. I think I'm just going to have to go home every week. I've never felt more uncomfortable in my life. I seriously cannot handle another 2 months after May is over. I honestly just feel like driving home today. If I could, I think I would spend the whole summer somewhere other than Florida. That way I wouldn't feel stifled by going home, and wouldn't have to spend whole days alone at my apartment because I don't want to be home. But, I'm just going to have to settle this summer. I have a countdown on my macbook's dashboard that says 73 days until I move. That feels like such a long time. I don't think time and I have ever been friendly with each other.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


So, apparently one of my fashion inspirations is Steve Aoki's sister. Weiiiirrd. Her name is Devon Aoki. I think she is magnificent. Since she is also German and English besides Japanese, that means Steve is also a mix. I love new facts.

life should be like this

I have been dry of inspiration lately, my heart does not feel well.

new suit

here is my vintage inspired bathing suit. I'm still waiting on my other one.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

charm sandwich

TORO Y MOI "YOU HID" from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

I enjoy everything this man makes. I think if he lived in my city we would be friends.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Newsom Takes on Gaga, Madonna

Newsom Takes on Gaga, Madonna

lips that need no introduction

It is 12:49 in the morning and I am rekindling old loves. I was trying to organize my itunes library and stumbled across the song, Dance, Dance, Christa Paffgen by Anberlin. It's so haunting and empowering. I forgot how much I love that song. And the rest of that album as well. I feel I sometimes shut out older songs because they make me think of older times. The times where I wasn't strong enough to deal with my problems because I hadn't really learned how to yet. I also think I get a little ahead of myself because of my continuous search for newer more amazing music. I forget about the old amazing music. There is something kind of soothing about it once I remember that old problems are old problems and that they wont come back.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

being home makes me remember old times. yes, that is the Harlem Shakes.

nothing, no one

I can't help but like, or even create lonely sounding poetry. I always think it comes out the prettiest.

I woke up missing you
My heart drips its love song into my tea
It dissolves into flat notes and a lonely melody.
Then turns into nothing, nothing today

I fell asleep missing you
My head spins its thoughts into my dreams
They evaporate and precipitate into dark days
Then leave me with nothing, nothing always.

Friday, May 7, 2010

words are treasures that are found in your head.

I know what you like best

Yes I get the feeling that
You're tired of all my moody ways
I'm tired of living moody days

One more breath and I will become
A river that is deep and still
I'd wait here all night until
You said yes

(Washed out fears)
(With midnight tears)
(There's washed out fears) A little sleep will brush away
(With midnight tears) The fingerprints I found today
(There's washed out fears) And I'm not going far away
(With midnight tears) In just eight weeks I'll solve the case

And I'll be in your car and driving
Straight through a red light
While you're running through my mind
Arrest me and say yes

Will you hang the trophy in the cabinet
You are yet to build?
You withstood the stormy nights so well

Is this a dream?
Yes it is
Is this a dream?
Yes it is

Yes-New Buffalo

it makes any moment lovely.


I found this and thought it was beautiful. Please, it's not creepy at all. I love the boy that wrote this very much. It's a secret who it is. Not telling.

oh, and this is my before shot of things that are happening later this week.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

why yes.

I did watch this. I loved every second. beautiful. I really want to go somewhere where I can wear my makeup like Julianne Moore.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lost mail

things lost in the mail are very bad.
I suppose it's better than memories lost in my head.

But really. where the eff is my effing birthday card? I would like to have it. My grandparent's written words really have a way of cheering me up. No matter what my mood. If I'm happy, they just make me happier. If I'm sad, they provide comic relief. If I'm mad, they make me think, "You have grandparents! Act like a lady!" Really..I want my card. Not to mention, I am planning on getting my hair done next week. The money would help.

Last card:


Dear Nikky,

Beautiful day here today. Temperature will be close to ninety degrees.
Send you a band-aid for emergency, so take care of yourself. Study hard (?)
How do you study hard? Are your books heavy? Study hard! -Don't waste time.
That's how we love you.

Little Grandma & me Gappy!

haha :) And I've called my grandpa Goppy since I was a baby. I don't know why he has started calling himself Gappy. And yes, they really sent me a band-aid. It says, "for emergency use only"

yum yum

eating chocolate is totally worth it if it looks like this:

I would love to eat any one of these. So you know, if you want to order some, please keep me in mind.
