Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I don't know what I'm going to do about summer, but I do know that I am not happy in my apartment. Which, unfortunately, happens to be in the town that I am happiest in. I talked to my other roommate today, and she hates it here too. That makes me feel better that I know I'm definitely not the one with the problem. I think I'm just going to have to go home every week. I've never felt more uncomfortable in my life. I seriously cannot handle another 2 months after May is over. I honestly just feel like driving home today. If I could, I think I would spend the whole summer somewhere other than Florida. That way I wouldn't feel stifled by going home, and wouldn't have to spend whole days alone at my apartment because I don't want to be home. But, I'm just going to have to settle this summer. I have a countdown on my macbook's dashboard that says 73 days until I move. That feels like such a long time. I don't think time and I have ever been friendly with each other.

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