Friday, November 13, 2009

If you like zombies..

If there is one thing that inspires me the most in life, it is science. We share this world with millions and millions of things that we don't even see. Entire cities that live all around us. In the dirt, on our counters, and even on us. But what is even more amazing is our own little cities inside of our bodies. Cells that repair, cells that transmit, cells that ruthlessly kill any foreigner brave enough to enter the marvelous landscape that is our body. Although there are the typical white blood cells that consume enemies by eating them (phagosytosis), there are these amazing little friends called Cytotoxic T-cells (T-cells meaning they matured in the thymus after being created in bone marrow) that point blank, identify and kill. They are little hunters of virally infected cells. Think about it: you have a crazy infected cell infecting other cells in your body and making things bad. Along comes a Cytotoxic T-cell (signaled by Helper T-cells to know the infected cell is there , like a 911 call), and once the Cytotoxic T-cell locates the zombie cell it secretes proteins that causes the zombie cell to rupture (explode!!!). It then goes around in a mass zombie butt kicking spree until all of the infected cells in the area are vanquished. Science is not only beautiful, but it is the also the equivalent of dawn of the dead. Maybe not exactly in that context, but you get the point. We are all zombie killers. Well, our Cytotoxic T-cells anyway.

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