Friday, January 1, 2010


So, it's 2010, and I just got home. I spent a lovely evening with my best friends and even got to see a few more. It was lo-key and pleasant. I really enjoy the energy of a party and of people, but my friends were able to make that up for me by just being themselves. New Year's Eve did not go as I intended. I really wanted to be traditional and usher in the New Year with my boyfriend. As much as I love my friends and enjoyed tonight I could not help but feel cheated. I watched the hundreds of couples on the television kiss and could just feel how special that must be for them. Raw emotion, spending just that first split second with the person you love (other than family and friends of coarse). I just sat and felt chills of emotion just rushing from my skull to my feet, this is normally what I feel before I cry. I really enjoy moments. Little moments that you remember forever and ever. I remember 2009's New Year kiss and how lucky I felt to even get one. 2008 was horrible for me. I met a cute boy and We actually talked for a while after that, even though we were in different states. We both have significant others now and I'm sure he had a fantastic time with his girlfriend, as he should. I just wish I could get that moment back and make it special. I got to count down on the phone with my boyfriend, they were a few seconds behind over there. But still, it just wasn't the same. I just sat and listened and wished I was there. Sometimes I think I cherish little moments like that too much. I hoard them and think about them at sporadic moments when the time arises. I like magical things. Beautiful moments where for a few seconds or minutes I feel like the most special person in the world. I like surprises, I like things created and thought out just for me. I actually did research on what the New Year's kiss is about. Like I thought, it is good luck, but it also depends on who you kiss. Depending on how right the person is determines how good your love life will go. I think my 2009 kiss turned out for the best. I met my wonderful boyfriend and he met someone as well. Kissing the person you are dating or married to means good luck for that relationship for the rest of that year. I do not like to go by superstitions, and just because I wasn't with my boyfriend on New Year's Eve does not mean we will have a bad year. I just wish I could have had that. I just think of it as one less special moment we will share together. Pessimistic I know, but it is true.

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