Saturday, January 30, 2010


It is Doppelganger (which celebrity you look like) week. With my list of people I've been told I look like, here it is (most to least told order). Rachel Bilson, Demi Lovato, Gemma Arterton, Kristen Kreuk, Lucy Liu

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New awesome

Ps for today* I am loving this cover of Hot Chip's "Boy from School" by Grizzly Bear.

Grizzly Bear Cover Hot Chip

also, Toro Y Moi is brilliant. I love this song, when I went to sample the album, surprise, I love the album. I want it.

But is it classy?

On my search to update my room I decided to stop by Great Stuff today. I'm home, and it is probably one of the coolest places I've ever seen period. Right here in Brooksville. There were so many lovely jewelry boxes and teacups it's so hard to go in there just focused on getting one thing. I was looking for something to put my pens and pencils in besides the plastic organizer on my desk. I also was looking for a vase for my bathroom (trying to decide if I want to keep it for my room now). I was able to find what I was looking for. I almost got this shiny black asian style vase with gold butterflies, but my funds are kind of on the low side right now. So that will have to wait. I bought this cute little homemade ceramics vase/mug/planter thing for my pens. If you don't really anthropomorphize things, or you do, but don't get creeped out by it, the pen holder is painted to look like a doll. She has brown hair, blue eyes, big read lips, a cute doll-collar top, and a pearl necklace. Also, she has no nose. It's funny because the way the vase's opening is makes it look like her head is kind of peeling back. I like her, she's cooky. Props to my mom for finding her. The vase I got for my bathroom (maybe) is red, oriental style, and has gold pagodas and forests with silver clouds and white water. It was a bargain at 5 dollars. I think I'm going to fill it with twigs or something rustic along those sorts.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New for the Room

It all started with bird shaped mirror wall appliques. My room was transformed. Really, just by those. Then I bought picture frames and took down the paper pictures I had taped to my walls. Now I am obsessed. My room must be adorable. So, here are my most recent purchases!

I fell in love, really. Speaking of love, I now have a wonderful new fish that my wonderful boyfriend, Anthony bought for me. I don't think I updated you on the death of Trinket, but it was almost a year :(. My new fish is Mohawk (because his top fin looks like one). He is very calm and inquisitive. He notices the condensation on the side of his tank and will follow your finger. I'll have pictures up soon. He is mauve colored, like my high-wasted AA skirt. I love him. Thank you Anthony :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Full Spectrum

You come at me, full spectrum
all dizzy spells and color fits
making me open-eyed and heartsick

setting on fire all the brokenness

You flow through me, full existence
all oxygen and truthfulness
making me breathe out and take You in

piecing together all the dejectedness

You come at me, full glory
all Hosanna and loveliness
making me exuberant and shining

putting together all of providence.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Power Style

So, with the return of the infamous shoulder pads, I must say "hello" and wear them right. When shoulder pads exploded on the scene I thought my nightmares came true. Really?? How could anyone like this masculine of a style on a woman? However, I found that it is more about how the shape works on the body. I have a very small frame, so I need to be careful with the shoulder pads. I do not want to become overwhelmed in them. I opted to go in slow. I bought my first shoulder-padded piece from Urban, and I must say, I adore it. It's actually kind of futuristic. Geometric shapes have become a big part of "futuristic" clothing. I like wearing things before they become a big trend. So, I think I will continue to buy shoulder padded items. Then, when they go out of style I'll save them for my future daughter. She might need them when they come back in style again.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I like weird things

In my most recent barrage of videos, here is another! I love the metaphor they threw in.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


It is my dream to see them live, they seem so nice too. This is Torquil Campbell just singing by himself. Stars actually consists of another lead vocalist, Amy Milan, and a bunch of other musicians. Their sound frequents string instruments, trumpets, and drums besides the usual guitars. Tonight is just an absolutely lovely song, it is pure emotion. The first line always gets me.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Surprisingly I have not posted anything about my admiration for Alison Mosshart yet (The Kills and The Dead Weather). She just oozes bad assness. She dresses like she is going to kill and it comes off like she doesn't care what the heck she looks like. As leather jackets become a large trend (pleather jackets, really), I'm trying to think of ways I can come off as BA as Alison while breaking free of big trends. This doesn't mean I will abandon my leather baby. But, I've thought of dying my hair darker or maybe wearing it like I rolled out of bed and decided to say "eff it, my hair can eff it" (this of coarse would require teasing it and styling it to make it look messy). I'm waiting to see what the next big staple in her wardrobe will be. As you can tell, she is my style icon.

Lazy half-moon

Lazy half-moon eyes shiver on the crest of your face
Lighting the depths of our dark room
Shaming the street light’s blaze

Tell me when the words are over
I’ll try to be polite

Briny lips quake on the space above my chin
Sending sound waves through the bedroom
Wishing I could take the sounds back in.

Tell me when the morning's here
I’ll try to wake up

Frozen fingers settle in the valleys and peaks between our hands
Tying strings into shoddy knots
Conducting heat and love and plans

Tell me when the time runs out
I’ll try to forget where I am

Sunday, January 3, 2010


interviews with the artists behind the top 15 albums of 2009. Sunshine in my day.

My week

Monday: Wisdom teeth extraction. Doped up on Valium, put to sleep, wake up with gauze in my mouth and no feeling in my lips. I also could not control my drool, hmm.. wonderful.

Tuesday: feeling pretty good..nothing too bad. There is pain but I'm feeling good about it. I can see myself feeling completely better in two days.

Wednesday: Wake up with horrible pain in my cheek. Mom comes home from work and finds out that the bottom right stitch is sticking in my cheek and it looks like the epidermis is starting to grow over it. Yay. Luckily, my Oral Surgeon said we could just come in and get it taken care of. The assistants remove it for takes two. It stings really bad due to them pulling on my sore tissues. They just take the whole stitch out. I feel better.

Thursday: Staying in Spring Hill. No one wants me driving on painkillers. Fine, I'll deal with it. I'm feeling pretty good, I go to a New Year's Eve get together with my best friends and a few other people. We watch movies and count down the New Year. My friend Jessica is going to Orlando the next day, I asked her if I could go with her and a trip is planned.

Friday: I'm feeling good. My weekend should be relatively painless. Around 1230 I get a text from Jessica, she is sick so doesn't think she should be going. Ok, no problem. I'll just drive myself the next day. I feel better about me driving anyway, the weather is also gross today.

Saturday: I wake up around 930 so I can leave town at a decent time. I'm feeling good, the pain from my mouth is nearly gone. I'm now on the normal dosage of painkillers and not the prescription dosage. I get to the kitchen, take my meds, and notice my arm where the IV was feels tight and sore. Being the hypochondriac I am, I ask my mom what could be wrong with it. She said she doesn't know but it couldn't be a big deal. I start making scrambled eggs. While I am doing this I start getting the feeling you get when you stand up really fast from laying down. I start feeling dizzy and need to hold onto the counter. It should pass soon, I've gotten this before. Then it starts getting hard to breathe. The next thing I know I am on the floor and my mom is saying my name over and over. I try to open my eyes, I can't really move. My mom tells me my eyes are opened. I am now sitting on a chair, my vision is starting to return, it's fuzzy. My mom decides to call 911. Definitely not going to Orlando today. I feel better, the ambulance gets to my house. The guys are really nice, they put me on a stretcher and wheel me into the back of the ambulance. There are Christmas lights wrapped around the pole in the ceiling. They take a tourniquet wrap it around my arm and take blood. Bleh. Then they put a saline IV in me to restore my electrolyte count. Great, another IV. They ask me a bunch of questions and then we leave. One of the paramedics stays in the back with me. He has tattoos all over his arms. He is very nice, he makes small talk with me. I find out he went to Rollins but then got kicked out for grades and went to FSU instead. We get to the hospital. They wheel me out, it is freezing. I look down at my pajama shirt. "Grin and Bear it" (with a sleeping cartoon bear under the words). Seriously?? I hope nobody notices my shirt. We get to the room, they run a bunch of tests. They also take my blood pressure about 7 times. It's low. The doctor comes in and say they found something. My heart jumps. He asks me if I want my mom in the room. I haven't done anything bad..I think. She stays in the room. He asks if I take any drugs recreationally. I say no. Apparently the Valium I had to take before my extraction is still in my body. I calm down. They discharge me and we leave. We stop at Starbucks before going home and I get a banana chocolate smoothie and oatmeal. I feel a lot better. They day progresses of me doing nothing and taking it easy. Later I start feeling really cold, which is weird because I am wrapped up in a sweater and sweat pants. I feel tired and lay down. I have the chills. My mom takes my temperature. 101.5. Apparently now I have a fever. She gives me something to drink and takes my temperature half an hour later. It's back to normal. That's weird. I go to bed.

Sunday: I wake up, it's dark and I freezing. I put on a sweater and an extra blanket. 15 minutes later I'm still shivering, really bad. I look at the time, 700. I text my mom and tell her I have really bad chills. No response, I call her, her phone is off. Then I call the house phone, I can hear the phone ringing out in the living room. My mom comes in my room a few minutes after. She takes my temperature. 101. I sit up to drink the glass of pedialyte she brought me (yes, pedialyte). I realize my whole body feels achy. That can only mean one thing: the flu. So, now I am sitting at my kitchen table. I am doing ok after the medicine and breakfast. But still, I have another day of having to lay around and do nothing. Hopefully next week will be more forgiving.


People on the hill proclaim Your name,
and their hearts burst out of their chests
shiny and vibrant
Your promise is kept.

Tears stream down and create an ocean,
Oh, Lord please take us,
make our souls so wide and open.

We shout Your name
come to take us
come to take us.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's resolution.

Be a vampire. Happy New Years.

ps* I don't believe in New Year's resolutions.


So, it's 2010, and I just got home. I spent a lovely evening with my best friends and even got to see a few more. It was lo-key and pleasant. I really enjoy the energy of a party and of people, but my friends were able to make that up for me by just being themselves. New Year's Eve did not go as I intended. I really wanted to be traditional and usher in the New Year with my boyfriend. As much as I love my friends and enjoyed tonight I could not help but feel cheated. I watched the hundreds of couples on the television kiss and could just feel how special that must be for them. Raw emotion, spending just that first split second with the person you love (other than family and friends of coarse). I just sat and felt chills of emotion just rushing from my skull to my feet, this is normally what I feel before I cry. I really enjoy moments. Little moments that you remember forever and ever. I remember 2009's New Year kiss and how lucky I felt to even get one. 2008 was horrible for me. I met a cute boy and We actually talked for a while after that, even though we were in different states. We both have significant others now and I'm sure he had a fantastic time with his girlfriend, as he should. I just wish I could get that moment back and make it special. I got to count down on the phone with my boyfriend, they were a few seconds behind over there. But still, it just wasn't the same. I just sat and listened and wished I was there. Sometimes I think I cherish little moments like that too much. I hoard them and think about them at sporadic moments when the time arises. I like magical things. Beautiful moments where for a few seconds or minutes I feel like the most special person in the world. I like surprises, I like things created and thought out just for me. I actually did research on what the New Year's kiss is about. Like I thought, it is good luck, but it also depends on who you kiss. Depending on how right the person is determines how good your love life will go. I think my 2009 kiss turned out for the best. I met my wonderful boyfriend and he met someone as well. Kissing the person you are dating or married to means good luck for that relationship for the rest of that year. I do not like to go by superstitions, and just because I wasn't with my boyfriend on New Year's Eve does not mean we will have a bad year. I just wish I could have had that. I just think of it as one less special moment we will share together. Pessimistic I know, but it is true.
