Saturday, January 23, 2010

But is it classy?

On my search to update my room I decided to stop by Great Stuff today. I'm home, and it is probably one of the coolest places I've ever seen period. Right here in Brooksville. There were so many lovely jewelry boxes and teacups it's so hard to go in there just focused on getting one thing. I was looking for something to put my pens and pencils in besides the plastic organizer on my desk. I also was looking for a vase for my bathroom (trying to decide if I want to keep it for my room now). I was able to find what I was looking for. I almost got this shiny black asian style vase with gold butterflies, but my funds are kind of on the low side right now. So that will have to wait. I bought this cute little homemade ceramics vase/mug/planter thing for my pens. If you don't really anthropomorphize things, or you do, but don't get creeped out by it, the pen holder is painted to look like a doll. She has brown hair, blue eyes, big read lips, a cute doll-collar top, and a pearl necklace. Also, she has no nose. It's funny because the way the vase's opening is makes it look like her head is kind of peeling back. I like her, she's cooky. Props to my mom for finding her. The vase I got for my bathroom (maybe) is red, oriental style, and has gold pagodas and forests with silver clouds and white water. It was a bargain at 5 dollars. I think I'm going to fill it with twigs or something rustic along those sorts.

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