Thursday, January 21, 2010

New for the Room

It all started with bird shaped mirror wall appliques. My room was transformed. Really, just by those. Then I bought picture frames and took down the paper pictures I had taped to my walls. Now I am obsessed. My room must be adorable. So, here are my most recent purchases!

I fell in love, really. Speaking of love, I now have a wonderful new fish that my wonderful boyfriend, Anthony bought for me. I don't think I updated you on the death of Trinket, but it was almost a year :(. My new fish is Mohawk (because his top fin looks like one). He is very calm and inquisitive. He notices the condensation on the side of his tank and will follow your finger. I'll have pictures up soon. He is mauve colored, like my high-wasted AA skirt. I love him. Thank you Anthony :)

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