Monday, January 4, 2010


Surprisingly I have not posted anything about my admiration for Alison Mosshart yet (The Kills and The Dead Weather). She just oozes bad assness. She dresses like she is going to kill and it comes off like she doesn't care what the heck she looks like. As leather jackets become a large trend (pleather jackets, really), I'm trying to think of ways I can come off as BA as Alison while breaking free of big trends. This doesn't mean I will abandon my leather baby. But, I've thought of dying my hair darker or maybe wearing it like I rolled out of bed and decided to say "eff it, my hair can eff it" (this of coarse would require teasing it and styling it to make it look messy). I'm waiting to see what the next big staple in her wardrobe will be. As you can tell, she is my style icon.

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