Saturday, January 9, 2010

Power Style

So, with the return of the infamous shoulder pads, I must say "hello" and wear them right. When shoulder pads exploded on the scene I thought my nightmares came true. Really?? How could anyone like this masculine of a style on a woman? However, I found that it is more about how the shape works on the body. I have a very small frame, so I need to be careful with the shoulder pads. I do not want to become overwhelmed in them. I opted to go in slow. I bought my first shoulder-padded piece from Urban, and I must say, I adore it. It's actually kind of futuristic. Geometric shapes have become a big part of "futuristic" clothing. I like wearing things before they become a big trend. So, I think I will continue to buy shoulder padded items. Then, when they go out of style I'll save them for my future daughter. She might need them when they come back in style again.

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